I’m Scotty from strange areas. I’m behind the cellphone markets of Shenzhen, China Today I’m gonna try and pull off the iPhone upgrade that Apple hates the most If you guys have insured either the two videos I’ve done about it You might know that I’ve been working on this custom-built iPhone complete with uh Light-up strange percentages logo now if you haven’t seen those videos You can go check them out up here, but there’s one trouble still with this phone. It’s only 16 gigs Frankly that’s just not enough so it’s time to knock things up a notch. I’m gonna upgrade it 128 gigs the guys in the markets apparently are able to do this and I actually received a guy get it on basically time Desolder the flare chip and exchange it out for a larger one now that segment seems pretty straightforward The trick is that you actually need to program the brand-new flashing chip You need to facsimile the content of one light chipping over to the content of the new show chipping So I went out and I bought this which is a flash programmer it is this amazing custom-built machined assessment fixture in Here positioned the blink chip close that up fastens up to your computer supposedly you can do some pretty cool programming.There’s one problem And the problem is that it’s windows merely software, and I have a Mac so first things firstly I to go buy a new computer So we are headed to the Xiaomi store Xiaomi is various kinds of the apple of China I guess you could “says hes” make all sorts of cool nonsense, but they’re more than a bit inspired by the Apple design aesthetic You’ll learn what I symbolize when we get inside the store I Need to buy a laptop, PC. Yeah, I can get this color in this size. Yeah, let’s get this one for this one in silver Well as you can see that examines wholly like your average Apple store down to the uniform even you know some of the laptops I bought a Xiaomi air.They’re not exact replicas of the Apple stuff. Just kind of copy the aesthetic I Installed the software for this test jig memory programming thing. Let’s open it up and see what’s going on Okay, so I think it simply wants me to connect. Let’s get our exam jig out here This is a lightning cable the in USB light is igniting up. Oh, perhaps you have to turn it on It talks It’s got Leaves all over it there’s some pretty bad renditions here. Let me try it closing it and reopening it maybe I’ve installed two drivers. I’m gonna try rebooting it says not connected. I don’t know. I don’t know what move i’m supposed to install Just installing all the drivers because I don’t have a better approach Well I’ve been banging my premier against this for the past couple hours and I exactly can’t get it to recognize it so I’m gonna call it a darknes and I approximate go view the person or persons that sold it to me in the morning and see if they can get it to work Cuz I don’t know what else to do anyway.It’s another date tomorrow Remember how I said, this is the iPhone upgrade that Apple dislikes “the worlds largest” well I’d like to talk a little bit more about that But firstly we need to talk a little bit about how companies figure out what premium to charge for their products now One approach is what would be called time and materials or a cost plus mannequin You basically time figure out how much it cost you to make an and sell a product And then you add some percentage revenue margin on top the other way is to try and figure out How much your patron is willing to pay for a concoction or how much they can afford if you charge too much? Then exclusively a few of your richest patrons will buy your concoction If you charge too little a lot of people will buy it But you’ll make less money per unit yourself the big question is how can you find that magic price point? Where as many beings as possible buy your commodity, but you too maximize the amount of profit you’re making particularly from your richest customers Well instead of going back to the place that sold me the programming Jake I actually contacted the manufacturer You know I said, you know have you tried installing the driver, and I said yes I said did you try swapping out the cable and I made for a minute and I said? No, I actually didn’t try doing that so I wouldn’t got another iPhone cable and sure enough I don’t know at least something a bad cable I guess it doesn’t work, but my other lightning cable does so I feel really dumb I invested a whole assortment of epoch trying to debug this and it was something really simple regardless it now productions So check this out.Here is the software And mend here now finally the port multitude shows up, and I can thump connect and it appears to do very much I guess the next step is that I it is necessary get a flashing chip that I can apply it in this thing hopefully It’ll do more formerly. I’ve got a burst chip in it So I’m headed to the cell phone market to go get some and it’s one of the things I really like about doing this kind Of activity here in Shenzhen is having such ready access to implements and parts and being able to talk to people who know a lot About them I could order a lot of this trash Mail-order, but it would really kill the momentum of projects having to wait You know a era or more to get something here I can exactly walk down the street get what I need hop title back to keep done I require this one Okay Two All right here it is That right.There is a 16 gig blink airplane I likewise while I was at it at the same booth. I are caught up two 128 gig microchips for the final operator But for now, I merely need to practice reading the age-old chip off the reasoning council So I’m gonna use the the 16 gig microchip just for practicing that Whoo there we go Whole bunch of nonsense participate the highest authority success can read and write about query info, that sounds good. Oh Look at that alright. Here’s the serial number of the phone this was in and then color That is probably the color of the phone that it was in now here sure enough capacity 16 gigs. Okay, so I foresee What I need to use this thing to do is I need to desolder the twinkle chip the 16 gig show chip That’s already on the phone Read that and probably back up the grain data examine I need to somehow duplicate the data off of there then lay in the new 128 gig microchip and copy the data back to it.That’s my understanding and appreciation, so let’s try this backup kernel digger Alright, it has been backed up. So we can read the recognition chipping now I need to practice the soldering percentage I think which is like removing the chip from the board so I got some rule timbers These are like known non-working logic timbers. I’m going to use these To pattern soldering before I try this on the real acting port that right there in the middle that’s the cache chipping, so I want to remove that and Throw it in the test jig and see if I can read it There “theres going” I actually wielded pretty well That went okay excellent in the process and bust it off the SIM card holder the blink chip came off.Okay actually uh Kind of surprised how well that worked for how poorly I did thump All right, all right. Let’s see inquiry info cool This came from a black telephone. Okay, so the microchip is not fried you can read it now It’s mostly simply a matter of practice so that I can do that lively before I try it on the working logic board I’m gonna try this again. I’m gonna organize it a little bit differently. Hopefully don’t smack that off this time Some curd replenish off again See this that’s not great Not merely did a SIM card holder fell out of this time And I likewise plucked off a knot of little capacitors or resistors I meditate I need a better card purchaser because this one is kind of shitty and then as far as pluck off the Ingredients, I imagine I’ve got a arch off more of the epoxy. I study I’m gonna need more of these pattern committees Now you can’t really “re going away” with billing wealthy person more and poor people last for the same product That’s where new ideas announced cost differentiation comes in price differentiation is where you blame two different groups of clients To different rates the idea is that you blame your poorer clients a price this they can still afford so they still buy your produce But you accuse your richer patrons more so you make as much profit off of them as possible you can’t get away with just Trying to evaluate How rich someone is when they walk into your accumulation and give them a price based on that? So instead what firms do is they try and find pieces? That richer purchasers are willing to pay more for and then they build a slightly different model That’s more expensive that has those features the goal is usually to make as few changes to the base model as possible While increasing the price as much as possible To maximize the profit whenever you go into a supermarket or you go shopping online And you discover a pricing grid that looks like this It’s a pretty good sign that premium differentiation is what’s at continue now looking at this premium grid? We can immediately see that Apple has figured out that richer customers are willing to pay more for more storage This used to be as much as like $300 u.s..But it’s come down now. It’s more like 100 to 150 I’m off to go meet the tool friends Which is one of my favorite tool dealers in the markets? To verify what they have that might be able to help me with this problem of the the SIM card holder falling off Yeah, that’s what I’m looking for that embraces up where the where this is yes, okay? That right there is the important part though, so what’s gonna restraint the SIM card holder in place Well the SIM card didn’t fall off that time It’s a start all right the second thing I need to learn how to do is I needed to learn how to do BGA repoing and What be Gerry balling is is it’s putting the solder lumps back on the pads on the bottom of these chips I’ve seen people do this before it’s possible, but it’s a little dicey So it’s gonna Take a little bit of experimenting to figure out time the right way to do it So the first step is just cleaning off the bottom of the chipping There’s leftover solder and there’s epoxy and things like that so I’m gonna do that with the trusty soldering iron All right now we’re just clean it off with a little bit of alcohol, and we’ll be ready for the next step This here is a rebounding stencil and it’s used to create those dances so mostly It’s a piece of stainless steel with defects in it that competition the exact pads and I’m gonna slander solder paste which is a little tiny dances of solder suspended in like flux? I’m gonna approach those through the holes and then heat it up with the hot air gap It’s not perfect but not too bad for a first try I’m gonna empty it off and take the Sutter balls off it again and Just save rehearsing a few more eras Hmmm it’s weird the metal buckles where reference is heats up because it expands and that kind of papas it off the chipping I’m supposed to do about that Yet up now Not great, and if you try again Ten more practise committees if I can’t learn this in ten timbers worth of tries there’s something wrong Maybe I need to need to go to cellphone school alright Let’s give this a shit the problem that I’m still having is I’m having two problems.I’m knocking off the really tiny Passives on this area of the board and then I’m delaminating some of the solder disguise underneath this microchip So we need to leant some Kapton tape this is just to protect from heat You know what I’m going to do this one of the microscope, so it’s these Here that are giving me the disturbance Keep pulling off when he’s a little insignificant Oh 100 five resistors or capacitors to be honest they may not be necessary But I’d like to try and keep them all there if I can I still want to figure out how to get all the epoxy off for that Knocking things off this little blade situated from mechanic Might be that what that’s for it’s a BGA repair blade set generate it a shot There extends Hey, that was better now I’ve been watching other YouTube videos about this And I’ll link to some other better ones below if you want to try and do this yourself.This isn’t really a tutorial It don’t learn from me. You know hopefully I get explained to you sort of what’s behind this and what’s involved But if you really want to do it yourself you want to learn how to be a proper Learn from what I learned from and I’ll link to link to some of the very best videos I detected Getting you solder wick this is just a like a solder braid it just acts as a wick and and draws up the liquid solder Pretty good Yeah template came rotated, but we’ll see this might might still make For a long look bad Problem with this because all of the bullets are underneath the chipping There’s no way to actually know if anything’s Short-change out or you know a bad solder seam or something like that the Foxconn factory that does this Undoubtedly has an x-ray machine that can actually x-ray the solder seams make sure they’re correct But there’s no real style for you know an amateur like me to do this unless Unless I take it to my neighbourhood dentist or something too bad All liberty, I’m gonna do one or two more of these just for practice and maybe I’ll give the real deal a shot I Am down to my two last-place rehearsal councils out of the 10 that I bought I study I’ve got this Mostly figure at this moment the last one I did though.I rent up some breathes and predict somewhere that maybe those pads are just Not necessary and and they come up easy, and it’s not a big deal They’re not functional, but I want to try at least one more and get it totally correct And then I’m gonna move on to the real deal now Hey there we go that one was clean last council last tradition committee but think it’s time for the real deal I Was all prepared to take the logic card out of this and someone proposed you know you should try restoring this Fresh from iTunes time to make sure there aren’t any problems before you do that Memory upgrade did that and in the process of that it had me refurbish, iOS and I left it while it was downloading the latest iOS version on the Xiaomi laptop, and I “re coming back” and The screen no longer turns on and I don’t know I can’t figure out what’s going on male He’s just frustrating.This is like a wholly unrelated issue to what I’m trying to solve right now, and it is possible to adjusted me back days Computer appreciates it now Just not the screen isn’t working its back. I don’t know what happened. I waned the cables a couple era Well I’m really glad that actually didn’t take too long to resolve and that I didn’t have to go by another screen still not quite Sure, what the root generate was however, I recollect I just wanted to do another test of my record cleverness now before I try and do it on the real thing I Have a reasoning board that has iCloud blocked and these are pretty cheap in the markets because there’s no straightforward way to Unlock and iCloud fastened timber so this will boot up But I can’t actually activate it so it’ll go into the like first youth cycle so my conceive is to remove the chip Just like I would for the improve empty everything up reball it framed it back on and only make sure that The phone boots up again wow this is such a pristine board compared to the ones I’ve been rehearsing on Goes oh sweet, it’s pretty cleanse Obvious damage, I conceive okay now to reap all this thing Alright let’s positioned this chick back on Cool down now and plugged in fire it up.Oh No forget tore my screen counter the fucking male, it’s not my daylight Dude I don’t even know anymore ah Nothing But at this top what it is that broke the logic board is it including this wrong? Now I have to go fix this screen at least my second researched him another telephone Give us a snooze So I are caught up another screen but That iCloud lock board still won’t boot. I’m getting my buttock kicked by this I Didn’t think this would be this hard So I departed and got three more iCloud fastened cards My plan today is to do one or two of these see how I feel and see how that proceeds and if it goes well Maybe I’ll do one more. Maybe perhaps I’ll move directly on to the real deal the amply wreaking card Putting these silvers on for supplemented hot protection.I don’t know or good luck Well give things cool off and better you scream oh Shit projects Okay that takes a load off. I have now done it successfully formerly there we go I Think I’m gonna do it once more and then I’ll try it for real if I can do it twice in a row Then who said I can’t do it three times in a row That spawns my epoch okay Let’s give this another shot Last darknes, I succeeded in doing to iCloud lock boards properly in a row so suppose Today’s finally the day I reflect I’m gonna do the real deal, but I’ve got one more iCloud lock board I figured I may as well do that do warmed up here get the get the digits loose come my microscope all warmed up and And then we’ll jump into the real deal Doing this one first might save me 200 horses Up two pads, but no Polly those are one for needed Time the sonnets back on coppers on Okay time to test this It use three in a row I recollect It’s time to do this for real.I’m gonna take go the logic timber out of the strange area. It’s custom telephone now and Give this a shot Right there we go. This is the working logic board 16 gigs right now There are some missing constituents on this it employments Okay, but holy inhales all of these capacitors are missing. Well. I predict those aren’t Who For path attracted off not good. Yeah, hope those are the ones that are not employed. I hope this works. I Certainly certainly hope this works, so we need to read some time off now And then program it onto the brand-new microchip that worked wait. What did that say Simon error doesn’t sound great? It’s try emptying it oh This hard disk firmware is too low. I don’t know what this signifies That worked I Don’t get it. Huh perhaps really a bad tie-in all right. Let’s back this up back up colonel dick. It’s been backed up have two microchips These are my 128 chips, so you might be asking why am I merely doing 128 instead of 512? There’s a person out there.Who’s done a 512 turns out you can’t readily get the 512 chips I am in contact with someone who assistances supply that chipping, but They don’t have any more right now, so That is on hold perhaps we’ll do that in a future video. Maybe we’ll do something even cool. Let’s plug this in Okay, new fixed disk. Can I simply do right colonel Dana? That did work All we got it To change it to be white since my screen is right even possibility that is all I is necessary to do I’m a little bit worried about the apportion substance. Let me try rereading this chipping and understand what happens okay that worked Whirring precipitated That might be only needed to do And to do that one again this works gonna be a miracle I’ll let it cool this time That looks pretty darn clean there we go The final step to solder on the 128 gig planned show tip on to port lots of flux Hydros nothing Fingers spanned big time on this one.I’m to see if this works screen Don’t live to even be turning on shit Nothing Fuck Mr .. Deployed personal computers Somethin iTunes has seen an iPhone in recovery mode. You must overturn reinstate this iPhone before it can be used with iTunes okay, I Mean the screen doesn’t turn on but Let’s try Restore iphone yes rebuild. That’s a good lyric oh Hey Its booting alright, I’ve got an apple alright. I think this is where you okay this needs a SIM card to activate Welcome here on your phone. Let’s see I can time rebuild this back up. Let’s try it. I think that worked It’s booting up. It’s got white boot screen this time Right Restore complete Well I roughly wreaks, let’s see how large-scale it says it is 128 it laboured Had my dance as to whether I was gonna be able to draw that off, I knew it was possible The question is whether I could do, and uh yeah, but I’ll practice it Is very doable now and alpha gotta situated this reasoning card back in the phone I Am gradually figuring out what the fuck I’m doing There it is got it put back together and Fully working you can see right here.Yeah, it’s got 128 gigs it seems to work just about as well as it did before I anticipate I’m gonna say this patronage iPhone complete We’ve done three things over three videos laser impressed a habit back Made a practice strange responsibilities light up logo where the Apple logo would normally be and then the cache amend 228 gigs this took me mode longer than I expected I said here today that about most of the iPhone assignments I thought I was gonna be able to get it done in a duet eras. I pondered with all the background I have With the previous iPhone operate. I’ve done, and it’s taken me weeks It’s really made me a good deal longer to learn and it’s afforded me a lot more appreciation for the guys that do this kind of modernize in the markets on a daily basis There’s a lot of skill that disappears behind this type of soldering in this type of rework And this type of working around the limitations that Apple has put in place so why would Apple hate this upgrade so much The answer is it’s taking money directly out of their pockets now you can buy a smaller iPhone and upgrade it to larger length For merely the price of the memory chip, and those are cheap this 128 Gig chip cost me about 160 RMB.Which is about 25 horses u.s. And more the difference between buying a 32 gig 6s. They don’t eat the 16 s anymore and 128 is 100 bucks So that was a hundred bucks that didn’t go to Apple, and I saved 75 horses in the process Now I devoted a lot more than that because I had to buy implements and all these practice committees and trash but There are a pair stores here in the markets that have all that stuff already and will do the do the refurbish while you wait And hitherto this may be less of a problem for Apple than you might think at first Because while richer purchasers are willing to pay more for storage They’re too willing to pay more for aspect and peace of mind and this upgrade. There’s a good chance you divulge your telephone You emphatically are gonna void your guaranty And I belief those richer clients that Apple is trying to target with this price differentiation are Eager to pay that that hundred dollars more to just know that the phone was assembled by by Apple by Foxconn Tested properly and is backed by the Apple warranty if anything goes wrong so at the end of the day How much money this is actually taking out of their pockets that tell me anything? I think it about does it for this time if you’ve been following along with the factory expedition serials I’ve been doing I’ve got some more of those videos come through here soon And I’ve had some interesting mills trying to reach me saying that they’d be Happy if I came and evidenced off what they’re doing so bide sung for that As always I’m Scotty from Strange Parts if you experienced this video And you want to see more like it punched that subscribe button down below abide tuned for more adventures.I’ll see you next time ..
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